Friday, April 25, 2008
The Untitled......
with a heart so sheer....
mind on its way to unleash the chains of bondage..
No fear, no worry nothing...
undoubtedly different.......
thats what she was...
Heart,Face remains the same...
mind amidst life's vicious circle....
freedom with a new meaninng...
like a bird within the cage
came fear, came worry came everything.....
thats what she is...
Heart & Face will be the same..
mind still struggling for its....existence.......its....independence....
might achieve what it yearns.....or may not.....
will history repeat itself.....
will the bird fly away to some southern sky......
what will she be....?
thats future....dream......hope......
I was there....
still i am now....
trying to be a part.....
Will i be there???
will i see..
what everything turned out to be...?
A dream......hope
thats what i still carry on.....
even now.................................................
Thursday, April 17, 2008
is the price I pay for each smile.
A drop of tear.........
that will trickle down my face, I fear.
The glass of my heart
is full of brine
with sour feelings and bitter thoughts.
It can spill over anytime
submerging the gleam in my eyes.
The world is a stage
where destiny is the writer
and irony, the director........
Man is a mere actor
who has to laugh
when he wants to cry.
The greatest irony of life is-
You love people who seldom yearn for you
whereas you loathe them who breathe with a sigh of prayer for you.
I fear desolution
but I am all alone in crowd of known faces.
Weird it is........
When you look into the mirror
and a stranger stares back at you.
You come to know that
the world has changed for you.
The meaning of life devalued
The worries surfacing on face
The sight lost somewhere beyond the horizons.
Weird it is........
When you can't lie to yourself
but can't accept the facts
You meet a person within you
who stares through your eyes
who conflicts with the person, that is you.
The tears that strengthen the soul
Just what the water does to cement,
don't allow you to weep.
They steal your expressions
They steal your innocence
And leave behind them.........
A statue to stand erect and smile at every passerby.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Bleeding heart.....................
Can you beat somewhat slow?
Let not the people whisper.....
for you are shouting your sorrow.
O God of deep slumber!!!
Can you tell me what you know?
Let not anyone disturb me....
Please stay here till morrow.
O twinkling stars!!!!
Can you render me some glow?
Let not paleness surface....
Your constancy I want to borrow.
O dark solitude!!!!!!!!
Can you gulp me in once?
Let no one discover my enigma....
Just give me one chance.
Darkness..............a poetic infinity
The more it is, more difficulty you have to see it. That’s darkness. Darkness is something that is perceived by eyes, understood by mind and felt by heart. Often an unsolved mystery, seldom an unfazed period, darkness has played a darling to dark desires, careless crimes and snooty sins. Walking down the lane, one can witness the children of darkness finding protection in their mother’s lap.
However, apathetic to the worldly affairs, I am sitting here on the terrace under the umbrella of stars….all alone in the midst of strolling shadows. Darkness topped my childhood hate list followed by brinjals. The moment light went off due to power failure, I used to run to mummy with a speed of electrons being attracted by positive field. I still shiver thinking of the ominous arrangement of my bedroom which used to give me a poch on my forehead in the process of reckless running.
Now, I love to sit in the darkness. Its my best friend. Filling pages of one’s personal diary is a tough job man! Kudos to those who do it but a person so confused like me must not give it a try. But, this black blanket with innumerable golden specks is the listener to my sorrow-filled poetries, my meek confessions, my pathetic humor. It admires my emotions and hides my tears. It inspires me to feel the melancholy more and more and brings out the poet inside me. I enjoy darkness. I find myself delving deeper and deeper in my mind, in my soul and in my sleep।